I was interested to see if this Partial Eclipse of only 32.92% would have any effect on the weather as the 2015 one did. I have given a good bit of information there, so will not repeat it here.. I was not expecting there to be enough of an eclipse to do so, and I was proved correct.

Here is my Animation of the North Atlantic from 1800hrs to 2045hrs on 2024-04-08 which clearly shows the Elongated Eclipse Shadow moving from West to East into the Darkness.

Animation of Eclipse 2024

Gere is the Eclipse Track courtesy of this site. This shows the track seen in the above animation nicely.

Eclipse Track








 So just for completeness, here are my graphs of the Weather Data for this event. The Blue Arrows indicate the Eclipse Period.

Duration 1h, 43m, 33s Partial begins at 18:56:45 with Maximum at 19:20:48 However Sunset is 19:24:20 so before Eclipse is finished.


Temperature and Wind GraphsSolar Radiation Graph