I chose the Location for the Observatory to be away from the house well sheltered from the wind and the terrible light pollution from Kilcrohane across the bay. I have very low light pollution at the Observatory Location. It is at the top of the scale on my Dark Sky Meter, very reassuring!

The telescope is too big and heavy to easily setup as needed from time to time, so I decided to build a 'House'. Being somewhat of a Geek this 'House' had to look right. In other words it needed to look like an Astronomical Observatory.

I created a 3.2 metre circular base with a damp course from the old Polutunnel Plastic and properly circular and level. Here is my simple system to achieve just that:

Observatory Base Levelling

Each peg was levelled and then a ring of hardboard connected with a step for the damp course.

Observatory Base

A steel grid was created to be added to the concrete base and our builder friend Mike came with his digger and big mixer. I then used the tractor to fill the base. 17 bags of cement and lots of digger scoops of '3/4 down'.

Concrete MixingConcrete filling