With Eumetcast starting the new DVB-S2 reception starting in August 2014 and replacing the DVB-S reception in December 2014, I have made some notes on setting up an Ayecka SR1 receiver. There is a utility provided by Eumetsat which runs in Windows to set the configuration for you. However the network settings may not match your setup and you will have to either login to the console to correct that using telnet as below, or use the USB cable. I use the telnet application to get into the console from one of my Linux machines. You can use PuTTY if you are using Windows. So in Linux from a terminal type:
telnet <IP_ADDRESS OF SR1>
Enter the password (default is 'telnet') to get to the main menu
1. Configuration
2. Status
3. Network
4. System
5. Statistics
6. ACM Client
then using the numbers 1, 1, 1 to navigate to the Config RX Channel 1 -> Configuration Set 1 item, you can change the settings to match those below.
Current DVB-S Settings (Current system)
Configuration Set 1
1. Tuner Frequency 1376.000 MHz
2. Tuner Acquisition Bandwidth 10.000 MHz
3. Standard DVB-S
4. Coding Mode CCM
5. Symbol Rate Auto
6. MODCOD Auto
7. RollOff Auto
8. Pilot Auto
9. Spectral Inversion Auto
A. Gold Code 0
B. Frame Type Auto
C. Encapsulation MPEG-TS
D. ISI 0
E. Filters Table
F. LNB power 18V
G. LNB compensation Off
H. 22 KHz On
I. Status Active
J. Profile Name EUMETCast DVB-S
(From item 'E')
RX Transport Filter Table
Slot. PID Ethernet Address Status IP Multicast
1. 100 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
2. 300 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
3. 301 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
4. 302 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
5. 500 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
6. 510 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
7. 511 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
8. 512 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
then using the numbers 1, 1, 2 to navigate to the Config RX Channel 1 -> Configuration Set 2 item, you can change the settings to match those below.
DVB-S2 Settings (New Settings)
Configuration Set 2
1. Tuner Frequency 1513.000 MHz
2. Tuner Acquisition Bandwidth 10.000 MHz
3. Standard DVB-S2
4. Coding Mode VCM
5. Symbol Rate Auto
6. MODCOD Auto
7. RollOff Auto
8. Pilot Auto
9. Spectral Inversion Auto
A. Gold Code 0
B. Frame Type Auto
C. Encapsulation MPEG-TS
D. ISI 1
E. Filters Table
F. LNB power 18V
G. LNB compensation Off
H. 22 KHz Off
I. Status Not Active
J. Profile Name EUMETCast DVB-S2
(From item 'E')
RX Transport Filter Table
Slot. PID Ethernet Address Status IP Multicast
1. 100 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
2. 300 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
3. 301 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
4. 500 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
5. 511 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
6. 600 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Enabled Pass
7. 0 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Disabled Block
8. 0 CC-F6-7A-05-20-B6 Disabled Block
I would have liked to have been able to setup the RX1 for the DVB-S and RX2 for the DVB-S2 and have two dishes, one for each, but there is a limitation of 8 for the number PIDs you can have in total, so they have to be on the same RX, which means physically changing the cables from the dishes.